The Sadida Multi on Dofus Touch benefits from a fairly complete spell kit. This guide will help you choose your Sadi Multi stuff depending on your level. If you want to change class, you will find everything you need on our global guide to the Dofus Touch classes.
- Level 20
- Level 60
- Level 90
- Level 120
- Level 150
- Level 190
- Level 200
- Guide to stuff your Sadida Multi on Dofus Touch
- Summary
- Stuffs for a Sadida Multi THL on Dofus
- The links
- explanations
- The links
Renière update: May 2022
Guide to stuff your Sadida Multi on Dofus Touch
Remember that, if you have subscribed to an Elite pack, you can reset your statistics between each fight. Adapt your stats to your stuff and your goal, always favoring elementary characteristics, then vitality. As a reminder, unlike Dofus 2, the power is not 100% of the stats.
With its levels of characteristics identical to those of Dofus PC, Sadida has a choice. Only the air route is really not recommended.
To play your Sadida Multi on Dofus Touch, you are advised to go up up to 200 points in intelligence , luck and strength.
Regarding spells, some will be up to level 6 as soon as possible, mainly common.
Main spells (level 6) A little all, according to your needs
Secondary spells Liberation - Flamiche - Cawotte
If you don't play Dofus Touch , this guide also exists for Dofus and Retro Dofus.
Level 20
Level 30
Level 40
Level 50
Level 60
Level 70
Level 80
Level 90
Level 100
Level 110
Level 120
Level 130
Level 140
Level 150
Level 160
Level 170
Level 180
Level 190
Level 199
Level 200
With the 1.54 update in early 2022, the panoplic and object bonuses 1 to 200 have been improved. Thus, several items have become much more important and interesting for your stuff.
Level 20
Sadida Multi LVL 26 stuff
Alliance of the man bear luck of Ecaflip amulet of the man bear stick of the man bears of the man bears shield of the tourist agency cape of the man bear belt of the man bear headdress Dofawa bear man
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Level 60
Sadida Multi LVL 60 stuff
Gelano anoppinz dice of the arc in abraknyde root geta aerdala shield of jules cape yanos belt red turtle red turtle minor fierce minor minor crumbling examination examiner crush water minor saccaccor minor dragodinde plum and almond
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Level 90
Sadida Multi LVL 90 stuff
Nanneau Poli Gelano Licol de Redolphe Ares Redolphe Sabots Porclier Redolphe Sacoche Multicolor Blopture Royal Redolphered Redolphe Redolp Fierce Mineur Mineur Mineur Earth Examination Water Saccling Water Saccling Fire Dragodinde Plum and almond
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Level 120
Sadida Multi LVL 120 stuff
Nanneau Poli Gelano Amulet De La Crowneille The Baguette Des Bottines De Dodus Bouclier Aerdala Doduveteuse Dodus Dodoulos Dofus Dofus Robust Ferocious Surviving Examinator Dracule Dracule and almond
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Level 150
Sadida Multi LVL 158 stuff
_Sceau sovereign of the Roissingue Gelano Heart of Nowel Cauchemardesque Hache of the warrior Zoth Boots of Nowel Cauchemardesque Foulin Shield Cape Du Nowel Cauchemardesque Dodus Dodulos Dofus Dofus Purple Robust Major Dofushu Ferrolent Traveler Dragodind
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Stuffs for a Sadida Multi THL on Dofus
Sadida is an invocating class with good potential for remote damage and withdrawal. It is therefore necessary to favor in addition to the different characteristics:
- In PVM: /
- In PVP: resistances, vitality, flight
- Common: invocations, PM withdrawal, scope
Like the Osamodas, the class is therefore very demanding and will require very specific equipment even if it means losing damage. So do not hesitate to have several variants of the same stuff and to adapt it according to the fights. A good collection of trophies and Dofus is a plus. However, No need to ignore power and simple damage !
Level 190
Our stuffs are articulated around one of the rare really multi-element panoplics at this level: the panoply of Father Fwetar . In exchange for thinner resistances, you gain in stats and critical resistances. Other modes are also arranged around Kralamoure items or Professor XA.
The links
Sadida Multi LVL Stuff 194
Bague by Boréale Annolamour Kralamanssation Pelle of Professor Xa Boreal Boots Kolossal Shield Cape of Professor Xa Boreal Boring Boréale Dofus Robust Robust Dofus Ocre Turnime Traveler Dofushu Dragodinde Prune and Emeraude
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Level 200
As with other levels, opt for a stuff suitable for your budget . Adopt at least one of each category (damage, ret or survival, 12/5) to be as effective as possible. In addition, with a small starting sum, it is also quite possible to evolve as you go. Start with a set of lowcost equipment, do some quests, add items and get objects over time to make variants. As a player without too much income, do not sell your stuff! They can serve you later, or in variants.
Here you can find sets with several possibilities to be adapted according to your desires for withdrawal or damage. Nothing prevents you from adding exos, withdraw, replace a PA item, etc. Again, do not rest in a single set to win all the fights and build your own library of objects.
The links
Sadida Multi V1 LVL 200
Anneau cryochrone goulano amulet cryochrone hammer galline goulbottes shield shield cape oflère Ugature Cryochrone hairdresser dofus purple dofus turquoise dofus of dofushu traveler dofus ocher Dracodinde almond
Sadida Multi V2 LVL 200
Alliance Gloursonne Gloursonne Ring Amulet Du Strigid Epée Gloursonne Boots Du Stigide Bouclier de la Dégère Lethalin Cape Strigid Coiffe of the Glourséleste Dofus Purple Dofus Turquoise Dofus Dofushu Glaces Dofus Ocre Dragodinde Amande
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