It is already time to relearn with gadgets in madness, the set 6 of TeamFight Tactics. A new set that brings a lot of mechanics, and a horde of champions that must be controlled. You feel lost in front of this task? Do not panic, we have prepared guides for you to easily take charge of the compos. And here is that of the composition Yordles for the set 6 of TFT. What are the champions to recover in priority? What objects covet with carousel? Who are your carrys? All the info you need to play the Compo well in the lines that follow.
Then update: 03/11/2021, Patch 11.22
Information on the Yordles of the TFT set 6
Positioning Champions on the tray
When starting on Yordles composition?
The answer is not too complicated. You are looking to abuse Yordles and have them before others if they are disputed.
(3) After a fight against a player, a very free yordle appears on your bench (6) The costs in Mana of Yordles are reduced by 20%. Advance your Yordles to invoke a veigar
Allies have a power bonus. (2) Your team wins 20% power (4) Your team wins 20% power, arcanists 45% (6) Your team wins 5 0% power, arcanists 50% (8) Your team earns 125% power
The bodyguards earn bonus armor. A little after the beginning of the fight, the bodyguards cause adjacent enemies. (2) 100 armor (4) 200 armor (6) 3 5 0 Armor (8) 500 Armor
start of part
Priority Objects
How to play the composition?
• When their bonus is active, you earn a Yordle after each PVP fight. But above all, once all the yordles have gone to 3 stars, you get a Veigar instead. Your goal will be a roll of your interests at each turn to find all 3 stars, and then add a veigar to the composition.
• Passed the 7 yordles (counting veigar), the compo does not really leave room. You have an available champion location. Braum is the best candidate, but you can consider other solutions by passing vex to the first line.
• If you can not have everything in 3 stars, add other options to the Compo as a Janna or a BlitzCrank to diversify your options.
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